By default, this VM is set up so you can manage MySQL databases on your own. The default root MySQL user credentials are drupal for username and password, but you can change the password via config.yml (changing the drupal_db_password variable). I use Sequel Pro (macOS-only) to connect to and manage databases, and Drush to sync databases (sometimes I'll just do a dump and import, but Drush is usually quicker, and is easier to do over and over again when you need it).

Connect using Adminer

If you have adminer listed as one of the installed_extras inside config.yml, you can use Adminer's web-based interface to interact with databases. With Drupal VM running, visit, and log in with drupal as the username and the password you set in config.yml (drupal_db_password). Leave the "Server" field blank. The "Database" field is optional.

More about how to use Adminer: Adminer website.

Connect using Sequel Pro (or a similar client):

  1. Use the SSH connection type.
  2. Set the following options:
    • MySQL Host:
    • Username: drupal
    • Password: drupal (or the password configured in config.yml)
    • SSH Host: (or the IP configured in config.yml)
    • SSH User: vagrant
    • SSH Key: (browse to your ~/.vagrant.d/ folder and choose insecure_private_key)

You should be able to connect as the root user and add, manage, and remove databases and users.