Drupal VM's configuration works with multiple operating systems and with multiple webservers. You can switch between Apache and Nginx (depending on which server you prefer) with ease.

All you need to do is change the drupalvm_webserver variable inside your customized config.yml, choosing either apache or nginx.

Because the webservers are configured somewhat differently, there are a few things you should configure depending on which webserver you use.

Using Apache

You have complete control over all aspects of Apache VirtualHosts using the apache_vhosts configuration. A few simple examples are shown in default.config.yml, but this configuration can be much more complex.

See the examples included in the geerlingguy.apache Ansible role's README for more info, as well as many other variables you can override to configure Apache exactly how you like it.

Using Nginx

Because Nginx server directives behave a little differently than Apache's VirtualHosts, Drupal VM includes a custom Drupal-optimized Nginx server block configuration, and you can control all the servers ('virtual hosts') Nginx will run using the nginx_hosts configuration. A few simple examples are shown in default.config.yml, but you have some extra flexibility if you need it. See the nginx-vhost.conf.j2 template for more information.

Also, see the examples included in the geerlingguy.nginx Ansible role's README for more info, as well as many other variables you can override to configure Nginx exactly how you like it.

Note: if you're using php-fpm, you may want to reflect your use of nginx by setting php_fpm_pool_user and php_fpm_pool_group in your config.yml.