Out of the box Drupal VM is configured to use composer create-project to build a Drupal codebase.

This is set up with the following variables in config.yml:

  • Composer will build the project if drupal_build_composer_project is true, and drupal_build_makefile and drupal_build_composer are both false.
  • The Composer package is defined by drupal_composer_project_package.
  • Adjust the create-project CLI options in drupal_composer_project_options as well as add additional dependencies in drupal_composer_dependencies.
  • Ensure that the webroot configured in the Composer package matches the one set in drupal_core_path. The default is set to web/.

With acquia/lightning-project as an example your config.yml settings would be:

drupal_composer_project_package: "acquia/lightning-project:^8.8.1"
drupal_composer_project_options: "--prefer-dist --stability rc --no-interaction"
drupal_core_path: "{{ drupal_composer_install_dir }}/docroot"

Opting for composer based installs will most likely increase your VM's time to provision considerably. Find out how you can improve composer build performance.