If you only need a simple Drupal VM environment up and running there are no required configurations. The configurations used by default are listed in default.config.yml and you can override them with a number of optional configuration files.

Note: The merge of variables in these files is shallow, if you want to override a single item in a list, you will need to re-define all items in that list.

Configurations files are read in the following order:

1. default.config.yml

Drupal VM's default configurations which you should not edit directly.

2. config.yml

The main configuration file of a project. Commonly this is a copy of default.config.yml with the values tweaked to your own project. For an easier upgrade path you would only set the values you are actually overriding.

vagrant_box: geerlingguy/centos8
vagrant_hostname: my-custom-site.test
vagrant_machine_name: my_custom_site

php_version: "7.3"

3. vagrant.config.yml

Environment specific overrides. When you run Drupal VM through Vagrant, the environment will be set to vagrant and this file is loaded when available. If you're doing something more advanced, such as running Drupal VM on a production environment, you can use a different environment configuration file, eg prod.config.yml.

Note: In addition to the variables listed in default.config.yml, you can also override the variables set by any of the ansible roles. In the "Installed extras" section of this documentation, each role has a link to the available variables.

4. local.config.yml

Local development overrides. Commonly this file is ignored from VCS so that each team member can make local customizations.

# Increase the memory available to your Drupal site.
vagrant_memory: 1536
php_memory_limit: "512M"

# Override the synced folders to use rsync instead of NFS.
  - local_path: .
    destination: /var/www/drupalvm
    type: rsync
    create: true

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